Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tarantula FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

Tarantulas : In A Glance

The Salmon Pink Birdeater is one of the fastest growing tarantulas in the world, reaching 6" in just a year!

They're big, they're furry, they're nasty. But for some, they're charming, cute and beautiful.

These are the common questions and misconceptions about Tarantulas:

1)OMG won't they bite??!

-Yes, all tarantulas bite. How can they eat if they don't? XD But some species of tarantula are more docile than others, and of course some are very aggressive.

Beautiful, but aggressive. The Cobalt Blue tarantula should only be kept by advanced keepers.

Elmo, is from the most docile species of tarantula(Grammostola rosea / Chilean Rose Hair) so it's a good choice if you want to reduce the risk of getting bitten(who doesn't?)

How do you tame a tarantula???!!

- The same as taming ants , mosquitoes or the likes. Possible with upmost dedication and possibly 100 years commitment. In other words, not possible.

Possibly, the closest you can get to a 'tame' tarantula. Regarded as the most docile species of tarantula. The Rose Hair is a good starter pet for avid keepers.

3)Aren't they poisonous???

- All of them are. But it's not more venomous than a bee sting. So, unless you're unlucky enough to be allergic to the venom, all you'd get would probably be itches, swells and of course, local pain :)

4)What do they eat??

- Ambuyat..wawawa. They can eat crickets , mealworms and other small insects. You can feed them mice when they're big enough but is discouraged due to the risk of being bitten back and their cuteness :'( .

5)Are they hard to maintain?

-They're possibly the easiest pet to maintain. All you need to do to take care of an adult Tarantula is:

i) A small aquarium filled with potsoil. Doesn't have to be big as they don't move that much.

ii) Feed mealworms once a week,

iii) A small bowl of water.

iv)Change the soil every 6 months.

With magnificent bright red/orange legs. The Red Knee is one of the most common tarantulas used in movies.

6)I want one!!

-I only know one guy who sells them in Brunei. Visit EdPets @